Hours & Location
- Hours of Operation: 7:30AM-3:00PM
- School Address: 5107 Greathouse Ave. Midland, TX 79707
- The library is located to the left as you come to the front doors after exiting the office. Visitors to the building must check in at the front office and have a visitors badge before entering the library.
Mission Statement
The mission of the school library program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information (AASL, 2019).
Vision Statement
As a school librarian, I want to empower students and staff to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information (AASL, 2019).
While books are still a big part of the library and our goal is to have proficient readers, the library is so much more than just books now. Jobs today require students to have high-level innovative thinking, problem-solving, and information management skills. I want to equip students with the ability to locate, plan and prepare themselves through a variety of engaging lessons and hands-on activities.
About Us
Mrs. Paige Neighbors
13th year in education
4th year librarian, former AP 5 years, teacher 4 years
Emerson, Fasken, Washington STEM, YWLA, South, & GH
Bachelor’s Degree-Early Childhood @ Texas Tech
Master’s Degree- Educational Leadership @ Texas Tech
24 hours+ Library Science Certification @ UNT
- Certified: EC-6th grade generalist, ESL EC-12th, Principal EC-12th, School Librarian EC-12th
Married w/three daughters-Pearl, Olive, and Navy
Ms. Marley Hurst
1st year in education
1st year as a library assistant
Currently, in school to become a paralegal
Daughter of the principal at Bonham Elementary
3 younger siblings and 2 who will be here with us at GH
Contact Information
- Librarian email: paige.neighbors@midlandisd.net
- Library Assistant email: marley.hurst@midlandisd.net
- Phone number: 432-240-6920